senior developer

David Bartold

David Bartold
senior developer

David Bartold

David Bartold is a Senior Developer for Alterity, Inc. who has been an Acctivate inventory expert for over 20 years. David’s expertise in inventory management and interest in technological advancements help Acctivate evolve and stay relevant. David has played a key role in the development and enhancement of Acctivate since 2003. David graduated from the University of Texas with a B.S. in Computer Science.

David considers himself to be both a big-picture and detail-oriented person depending on the project at hand. What David values most about his experience at Alterity is the quaint but growing size of the company. David takes great pride in his contribution to Acctivate’s development. What always brightens David’s work days is the sun in all of its glory.

When David was little, he wanted to grow up to become a programmer. As an adult, David is confident that he would be a terrible meat processor — if he ended up in the meat industry, he’d just go ahead and become a vegetarian. If David could spend an evening in conversation with a deceased person, it would be spent with the author of a book, but he could never choose just one.

5 years from now, David hopes to be living in a COVID-free world. What fascinates David the most about technology is the many insights gained from its development that continue to allow for greater understanding of how the universe works.

Role at Alterity:

Senior Developer


University of Texas


INTJ: The Architect

Creative Type:

The Thinker

More fun facts…

Superpowers: Regenerative Healing, Sensory Scrying, Polyglotism, Wing Manifestation

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw