Support Specialist

Jordan Rael

Jordan Rael

Jordan Rael is a Support Specialist at Alterity, Inc. and an Acctivate inventory expert. Jordan promotes customer satisfaction by employing his inventory expertise to solve any issues that arise.

Jordan is studying at The University of Texas at Arlington pursuing a degree in Computer Science. He is expected to graduate in 2026. Jordan can easily see the details and the big picture. Jordan dreamed of being a paleontologist when he was little, but as an adult now believes he would make a terrible accountant.

Jordan appreciates the easy communication, teamwork, and comradery he experiences daily at Alterity.

If Jordan could spend the evening in conversation with any deceased historical figure, he would choose Theodore Roosevelt due to his nature-loving, adventurous spirit.

Five years from now, Jordan hopes to be living in Colorado with his family, and traveling to all the places on his bucket list.

Jordan’s interest in technology is not limited to just one sector, but all of the area’s tech thrives in and in the many ways it is uniquely utilized.

Role at Alterity:

Support Specialist


University of Texas at Arlington


INFP: The Mediator

Creative Type:

The Visionary

More fun facts…

Superpowers: Energy Absorption, Subjective Precognition, Polyglotism, Wing Manifestation

Hogwarts House: Slytherin