SQL Database

SQL Database for Today & Tomorrow’s Demand

Acctivate is backed by the solid database technology of Microsoft® SQL Server to keep data secure & ensure optimal capacity and flexibility for growing companies.


Protect all business data maintained in Acctivate with safeguards, like authentication, permission authorization, encryption, connection security & auditing.


Utilize your company’s live data in various ways via Acctivate, i.e., in standard/custom reports, customizable dashboard, and all the application windows to seamlessly handle operations.

high performance

Gain significant data capacity to handle multiple users, high volume transactions, a growing customer base and expanding product lines & quantities.


Designed to grow with flourishing businesses as a scalable and stable foundation powering Acctivate to support requirements now and in the future.​

version support

Acctivate supports various SQL Server versions to increase performance & capacity and meet specific needs, i.e., number of users, transaction volume & product/customer records.

data queries

Easily query Acctivate data on the fly and export a list of data to Excel and CSV, copy & paste the data or save queries to run anytime.

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Call us at 817-870-1311

foundational layer

Acctivate’s Engine for Well-Built, Industry-Standard Database Storage and Retrieval

Seamlessly manage all facets of your business with Acctivate’s robust foundation of Microsoft SQL Server to keep data safe, scalable, and stable. The technology beneath Acctivate enriches the value that the inventory & business management solution delivers to operations now and in the future, promoting growth and a competitive edge.

SQL Server is the most common & strongest database server available known for its long-term support that continues to evolve to meet business and industry standards.

Foundational Layer of Acctivate - SQL Server

SQL Server Query of Acctivate Data
data queries

Customize and Query the Database for a Multitude of Uses

All components within SQL Server can be configured, managed, and administered via SQL Server Management Studio. Acctivate data is presented in a powerful, user-friendly view to read data, query data on the fly and design queries.

The query designer helps with building queries easily. Built lists can be saved to get the data needed on-demand and can also be exported to Excel or CSV and copy and pasted. Businesses can query based on their needs, such as gather info to help speed up custom report creation or creating a simple customer list to more advanced data lists.

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Take Advantage of SQL Database with Acctivate Today!​
Schedule a live product tour with an expert.

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